Hello! My name is Karina Fernandez and I am the owner/founder of Maestra&Co. I was born and raised in Dallas, TX.
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Karina Fernández y soy la dueña de Maestra & Co. Nací y crecí en Dallas, TX.
My goal is to put the "fun" in teacher fashion. We know that looking stylish can make your whole day better; that's why I'm committed to being your source for the newest teacher trends.
Mi objetivo es poner la "diversión" a la moda de los maestros. Se que lucir con estilo puede mejorar tu día entero; por eso me comprometo a ser tu fuente para las nuevas tendencias de los maestros.
I love teacher tees, I mean, what teacher doesn’t? Being a Bilingual/Dual Language teacher with students who are from many different Spanish speaking countries, I always thought, “Here I am wearing my teacher tees that are in English with students who don’t even understand what my shirt says.” Like most, we wear these shirts with these messages for our students. So why weren’t there any Spanish tees out there with these same messages? So I thought, well, if you want them- why not make them yourself?
And then Maestra&Co was created.
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NEW Design available For Pre-Order!
Jan. 7th -19th